Browse Poems
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...
Why do I miss him ? he gave me my favourite colour wich is red
he gave me my favourite sport wich is football
3 months 1 day ago
Teach my lips how
To speak with
Your Bohemian voice
'Cause you're my
Valencia, and
3 months 1 day ago
Liberty toils in
Her field, desiring
For a day where
She finally lays
Peacefully as a baby
3 months 1 day ago
She bathes on a
Roof, with Youth
Shining on her with
His delicate rays
He bathes in her
3 months 1 day ago
Purity is held in
Her right, and discernment
Is placed in her left
She knows the Marys
3 months 1 day ago
King Lear puts
His fist down
With an iron
Force so strong,
It wakes up the
Citizens, bright and
3 months 1 day ago
six months agoI remember the air was still crisp with the scent of spring dew
3 months 1 day ago
I do not know the nameof most of these plants and flowersgrowing here; but I know the croton
3 months 1 day ago