Valencia, My Valencia
Teach my lips how
To speak with
Your Bohemian voice
'Cause you're my
Valencia, and
You don't have a choice.
Valencia, Valencia
I really love your flesh
And oh, it matters to me.
Valencia, Valencia
Why can't you see?
Your love is amazing
And it electrifies
But you, my Valencia
Are as negative
As can be.
So circle around
And be my little
And I'll be the
Light that blinds
In the dark.
Teach me, teach me
But I love to
Be board
And you are my
Chalk that I scratch
When I'm bored
Valencia, Valencia
You don't have
A choice
So listen to the
Whistle of my
Valencia, Valencia
Oh my Valencia
Your heart is electric
And my circuit
Breaks too much
But it matters
By the warmness
Of your touch
Valencia, Valencia
Give me your heart
And I'll give it back
To you, my love,
Right from the start
And as I bleed,
I'll let you chew
Your little work of
My Valencia, be
Fed by your
My Valencia, be
Choked by your
My Valencia, you
Are my work of