losing a friend
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Friendships don't always last, then again some just might;
People grow apart sometimes through fight or through flight.
You had a spark of something excellent that came from inside;
I have a problem, you see.
There’s a girl I want
But she doesn’t want me.
I give her my soul, my secrets,
I give her everything
I want a reason for your actions
Give me words
Not just your reactions
I have a life
That’s getting torn apart
Your word is a knife
I don’t know how to start.
I guess, with saying that you stole my heart.
Your laugh engulfed every second of my day,
You were, you are my love.
Slash at my arms, my legs, my throat
What God is there to pray to
that creates such emotions as this.
I pray.
To not feel, I search for a void to
I search for a void
I search for
I was just thinking, how strange that I'll never walk those halls again
But sadly, surreally, neither will you.
I will miss you terribly, my friend.
Even more now.
The empty chair behind us
is a reminder.
We often see the apparitions,
an outline, not etched in painting,
transcribed in script.