Saying Goodbye
I don’t know how to start.
I guess, with saying that you stole my heart.
Your laugh engulfed every second of my day,
You were, you are my love.
To say goodbye is to,
Well, it’s taking a part of me
And tearing it apart.
I’m back to the start.
I hope you know
That you were my everything
And that you will
Have a special place in my being,
Deep down
Down to roots.
You are there,
Beautiful and kind
My best friend.
Best friends till’ the end?
I’m going to miss you
You’re smiles
And you’re hugs.
I will never forget you
You were mine and I was yours
Now, I am just me and you are just you.
Let's move on
Take this step
Wipe my tears
And try to find new piers.
It will never be the same
I love you, my friend
My best friend.
Best friends till the end?
I guess not…
It was just a thought...