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she was only five
when she didn’t want to live anymore
praying to God to make her life better
to stop the abandonment, the neglect
suddenly acting up in school was the effect
Dead soul?
Even have a soul?
No one.
I am no one.
This is me-
This isn’t me.
Who am I?!
My voice has forever been unheard
unheard by the ones I live with,see,hear or think of everyday
Yet my words are silent, to quiet where no sound itelf can be heard
So I write, write till I cant write no more
In the depths of the reflected light
You can catch a glimpse, a girls' shadow
It's a sight you can't overlook
With her eyes so hollow and haunted
Concealing within a ghastly narrative
The sobbing mother cringes
as her baby cries.
She wishes they had warned her
a deaf child’s screams could be.
A world of hate and critisism.
A world of judging eyes
What more can we do but listen,
As people speak their ignorant lies.
I know I can't stay silent,
Not when I can fight,
Little bird,
Why do you sit and write those words?
You never speak
You never sing
You're voice is so pretty but you're never heard
So speak,
Little bird
What are you afraid of?
I'm falling in a hole;
that I can't be heard from.
My body begins to disappear,
becoming long gone.
Wall of blank confusion.
I pass by. Stop!
What, do, I, see?
I see splashes and waves of blue oceans rising to the scene.
Like its the place to be, but Wait..
That's not what I ment
How did you get that from this
My words are getting bent
My message isn't being sent
I don't want to go through this again
If someone moves in darkness
With no one there to see
Are they there at all?
Alone in naked starkness
Content as could be
Are they there at all?
A sudden pain disrupts
I'll explain, and I'll try not to weep as I speak.
But please listen, and don't ridicule me.
Things occur for a reason just like the transitions in every season.
The love I have for Him has sprouted up, and will not wilt.
From a mother who makes it her life's mission to put you down at every word
To the friends that can't even read between the lines let alone read your facial expression,
It just makes you wonder if anyone really cares.
My mind is in shape
cause it's always running around you
But you dont even know
My eyes always scam the room
they dont stop till they find you
but you dont even see
Every day I am in your classroom
You call my name and occasionally speak to me out side of class
But what you don't know and can not see
The cuts that run deep
The knife in my side
Take a second to breathe, to listen.
To hear the laughing and the whispering.
I get it, we all do, it's old news.
I'm gay, yes it's true.
Yet you don't understand, acting rude and all whack.
I spoke
You heard
And replied with something absurd.
Did you listen?
Or is it just me,
Thinking you responded outrageously.
I'm human.
I make mistakes too,
Say it to me again,
I dare you.
At first it was nothing.
A black hole-
Empty, no meaning.
But, you feed it so much.
It grows, being filled:
filled with anger, tearing souls.
First day of high school, I wore a dress to impress and I guess I was subjective to the people that I messed with, but it didn't stop there. People were staring at the waistline of my elastic that made me look fat.
You promised a chance
A moment to prove,
To leave all out on the court
There is nothing to lose.
Yet alone here I sit
Observing, lightheaded, voice sore,
The encouragement failing