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by Debi Lyn Tue, April 27, 2021 @ 11 am   As a mere little human, I am hopelessly flawed. As a redeemed individual, a child of the Most High God!
I am a Christian I'm Saved, Free, I'm Redeemed I am a Redeemed Christian The Lord Jesus is my ultimate model Where on the cross His sacred precious blood was shed
I don't know why I was attracted to you Its not like you were a good person from the start But after it was all over, you left me blue After you left you still made my life fall apart  
I am redeemed 
  Heavens Rain   I do not know If my skin will ever be as clean as others seen But i dream to let go of a constant stream..  Aesthetic symmetry floods me 
I'm on top of the world he said in the next breath, he proclaimed, That we all fall. Its kind of funny how we're all taught, how we all bought into the lies that we all sought.
The C word is loud It is always in my face So I venture off and find my happy place.   It attacked at my back Fear crippling, questions surging My perspective shifts and memories begin merging.
This is my Race From the starting line to the finish line I do not run for anyone but me Runnning is my life My stress revealer When I hear that gun shot My heart pounds non-stop
i am not perfect perfect is far from my reach i have not always lived to the expectations you had for me but i am something. i have something to show for all of this.
The roads are dark, lost in direction.  No way to turn, my path is lost-- I can’t see, where is the Light?  Turn right, turn left, I do not know?  Wherever I go, I cannot see. My heart pounds, it’s so dark!
He asked me who I was. So I told Him:   "I don't know who I am... All I know is that I'm a sinner. I am the scum of the earth. I've messed up too many times to count. I'm broken. Useless.
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