Poems from xXSamanthaStevensonXx

    I’m not saying sorry, but you must forgive me, because you once said, “after all we are your family.” I’m not mad at what i did, i’m...
  I review the list of things i haven't done, and i can say i'm pretty disappointed. I cut a lot of the people who needed me off, and let...
  POEM TO ROB’S PARENTS: IT’S TIME I don’t know where to start,  because i can’t explain this feeling in my heart, but one thing i can...
I miss your smile, i miss your face, i miss your strongly supporting embrace. I miss your voice, i miss your words, that made me feel like...
I wrote on your heart, wrote on your songs, wrote out my misery all along. Too blind to see, were meant to be, or am i mistaken for...
