Poems from lovekatie14

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Hi! My name is Elizabeth Davenport, and I'm a college student who loves all things language, no matter what language it is! I'm probably reading, writing, or dancing in the rain right now. I'm a featured poet, Aura, on diesandnoctis.com (go check them out: they're great!), and use the names E.D., Elie Dav, and Elizabeth Davenport when posting my own.
I never understood how some people could be called beautiful  When their stepping stones were other's pain and their eyes reflected a...
When wishes turn into flower drops  That becomes the soft dew of the morning Then, perhaps, I might believe  In the iridescent power of 
Why  Why am I still afraid of you Why do I still cower Or feel the urge to run away You have this power over me Maybe you just took it and...
When I place My tiny hand Over your heart, I am trying to keep it, selfishly, for me, because I am afraid that you will be like everyone...
I have always been fiercely independent.  But he-  He makes me want to throw my wishes to the clouds, leave my arms open wide  and put my...
