Poems from lovekatie14

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Hi! My name is Elizabeth Davenport, and I'm a college student who loves all things language, no matter what language it is! I'm probably reading, writing, or dancing in the rain right now. I'm a featured poet, Aura, on diesandnoctis.com (go check them out: they're great!), and use the names E.D., Elie Dav, and Elizabeth Davenport when posting my own.
It is two am- the limbo between morning and night- and I have to be up in 5 hours max. Can't sleep. All I can think about is time travel '...
like clockwork  it struck when i was sixteen  i thought i would be safe   no one should have what i have down there    find the common...
I hear a woman crying pitfully  a man bellowing  we are not all like that   it's not about  you, personally, sir just our individual...
I am a girl who cried out for a just world,  sitting with a scale in my hands,  weighing the lighter crimes,  judging.  This is either...
True understanding is  a function of verse.  Jumbling up a puzzles painstakingly pieced together allows full aprreciation  for the picture...
