Poems from lovekatie14

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Hi! My name is Elizabeth Davenport, and I'm a college student who loves all things language, no matter what language it is! I'm probably reading, writing, or dancing in the rain right now. I'm a featured poet, Aura, on diesandnoctis.com (go check them out: they're great!), and use the names E.D., Elie Dav, and Elizabeth Davenport when posting my own.
Everyone wants to know how you are.  They assume I know,  or keep tabs on your life. I suppose I keep the memories, but I let you leave in...
He doesn't need to tell me.  The words dance across his eyes,  thoughts blossoming in dark pools that  show me the sun, moon, and stars we...
I am but a moment from falling Down into darkness Down among despair But a moment; But a ever-so-subtle shove I've been prodded here by...
If I were to whisper into the depths of the deepest soul,  Would my voice be heard?  Should I venture into the darkest crevice of human...
I haven't forgotten.  I almost did,  But they walked away,  And again my heart was hardened.  I was okay with that.  Yet I soften each time...
