Poems from dowxbeg

I'm trying really hard, guys. @writenorwrong on Instagram!!
HOW DO YOU MAKE SOMEONE LIKE YOU? [I really hope you can help] WHY DO SOME PEOPLE TREAT OTHERS SO BADLY? [I don't know what I did] HOW DO...
There's nothing weak about honor. It is a strength to act with compassion                  compromise                             and...
Once upon a time There was a girl and When left alone in her head She found a knife.   Once upon a time a girl with a knife cut patterns...
this is an ocean i am not prepared for i am trying to hang on grasping at things and people that float by but they grab back at me driving...
The windows of my soul Are broken Scattered through my body like shards of glass on a stone floor I try to pick them up  the blood running...
