Poems from ScorpioD91

I am simple, but creative. I'm a scorpio at heart. I love learning new and different things. My poetry speaks volumes of life's experiences! So if you happen to read my poems, you may suddenly relate to it and/or feel the emotion I put into it. I always write with my heart and my blood is the ink. Thank you for your time getting to know me just a little bit.
I can’t help, but to be myself.
A true Scorpio at heart.
I’m truly misunderstood
My beauty bleeds through my art.
It’s true that I can be...
I see the bright sun burning in the sky
I hear a blue jay song that made me cry
I smell breakfast cooking with its fumes so high
I taste...
I had it and then I lost it. It was turned up, but now it's silent. I wasn't scared to use it, and now I fear to. No more! NO LONGER!!! I'm...
It's dark
And it's cold
The night so beautiful
I can hear my mom & boyfriend yelling
And screaming
Words so hurtful
It's raining
I enjoy the beautiful trees swaying in the breeze.
The colorful petals that decorate the green leaves.
Can you hear the soft hums of the...