I Love Rainy Days
It's dark
And it's cold
The night so beautiful
I can hear my mom & boyfriend yelling
And screaming
Words so hurtful
It's raining
It's thundering
Tonight is the night
My mom's sleep & her boyfriend's creeping
Towards me
Tonight is the night
I love the rain
I love the thunder
And the lightening too
I lay under my covers while he stands at my door
Getting excited
A pounding heart cause I knew
It calms me
It soothes me
The night & the rain
He climbs into my bed & I did nothing
Except comply
Too great is the pain
I'm scared
And alone
Neglectful is my mother
She pretends that he's not in my bed at night
Touching, sleeping,
And staying in bed for another...
I make my move
He awakens
I will fight this time
He punched my head, slapped my face, & constricted my neck
I escaped through the window
The exit felt so sublime
I run
So fast
Lightening has mercy
He doesn't even bother because this is the routine
So he watches me
The night is my key
And so I hide
An unmarked spot
And I just wait
I know what is to come the very next morning
Try not to worry my mind
Worry is too much weight
The Sun rises
My mother's upset
His wagging tongue lies
It's so hard to not think of tomorrow's troubles
I'm beaten once I'm home
A piece of me dies
No one bothers me
Not out here
This weather is too much for most
God has given me sanctuary & answered my prayers
He listens to me
In ways not like most
People will wonder
About my God
How can He be so real?
He lets me get raped by mom's boyfriends
My mom hates me
So how can He ever be real?
God made rain
God made night
God makes a way out
If someone asked me, "What kind of weather I like?"
I'd say rainy days
With no ounce of doubt
Night gives darkness
Lightening shines through
Thunder intimidates fears
But it is the rain that rejuvenates me every time
It cleanses me
It's all very clear
The darkness hides me
My fears are gone
The light comforts me
Rain water that washes me makes me feel brand new
God made those
For people like me
Sometimes I pretend
The dark clouds
They cry with me
Because I share my pain, my secret, my life with them
Our tears are the same
There's sympathy
Sometimes I pretend
That God cries
Through the clouds for me
Because He knows my story & my pain
He answers prayers
He answers me
All I ask
Is for a break
That's all I ask
I know people have to go through in life
I don't ask for much
A break is all I ask
He answers
Through rain
It works every time
Like Notre Dame, I run in it & not chased nor followed
Dangers of the night are quiet
He protects me every time
The Lord knows
That my body
Just can't take it all
When the Sun is out the toture don't stop
It rains then it stops
I know a break just stalls
Some may ask
Why not ask
For it all to go away?
There has to be a reason why God chose me
To go through my hell
Another can't live my life & stay
This is my story
I understand now
I know my God
Will one day release me & it'll be my past
It'll be no more
No longer I'm odd
Then the questions
How do you
Keep the smile on your face?
Hope, faith, belief, & strength is what keeps me going
There's no choice
But death. No ace!
See if I
Don't have something
That very thing
That'll keep me going keep me alive
Then why continue
To live for nothing?
Will consume my being
Thoughts of despair will just cloud my mind
Then my heart
Death'll be the ultimate thing
To think
To hope
To believe that God
To know that God can perform all miracles
Don't limit His powers
To just a pea pod
See He is the One
That keeps me going
That keeps me alive
That thin line between life & death
Curses & blessings
His love's never deprived
So when I'm around
Others aplenty
Quiet as a mouse
It's because I'm scared to speak & even to share
Trust is lost
Imagine my house
If you see me
All by myself
I'm a loner
Times when people talked about or ignored me
My mom did
The world is like her
I have someone
To talk to I mean
To lay my burdens
On Him, my God that loves me for me
No pressures or stress
Despite my sins
That is why
I need Him
The only one that cares
He wakes me every morning to live another day
That shows His grace
And mercy that He shares
That is why
I love the rain
Those stormy nights
It yells my story in a language unknown to man
It cries my pain
And weathers my fights
What days you favor
Sunny or rainy
If someone says
I'll answer with a smile & joy in my heart
Cause peace'll come again
I love rainy days