I Am Her...
I see the bright sun burning in the sky
I hear a blue jay song that made me cry
I smell breakfast cooking with its fumes so high
I taste the sweet chocolate chip scones. Oh my!
I feel the morning dew brush against my thigh
I see what she sees. I hear what she hears.
I am her very own eyes and ears.
I see busy streets on a warm sunny day
I hear tons of screaming children at play
I smell fresh brewed coffee that I don't have to pay
I taste warm soda cause the fridge was thrown away
I feel the pain of a paper cut while working today
I smell what she smells. I taste what she tastes.
I am her nose and tastebuds that are on the face.
I see the street lights lit up so bright
I hear my house key jam so I shove to the right
I smell the rain which the clouds did invite
I taste my reheated dinner by taking a bite
I feel the warm shower then my comfy clothes in all white
I feel what she feels because I am her skin.
We'll become one by our bodies joined within.
I've watched her for months from morning to night
No matter how low or how high the heights
I know once we make love she'll hold me tight
She'll never want to leave me & everything'll be alright
I entered her home & she screamed on sight
I panicked & grabbed her, and we started to fight!
I subdued her & we became one in the end
If I can't have her nobody can