Poems from Grey

Poetry is life.
Sometimes my mind stops and I don't know what to write.
But in the long run poetry is a way to let go.
I set my dreams free and lets my feelings flow.
The whole world can know how I feel.
From a line and a word it's my sanity deal.
So I write so my voice can be heard.
I'm no longer just hidden from the world.
-Grey <3
You are my lie, but seem like my truth.
You are the evil hiding in the fruit.
You are what keeps me loving what's lost.
You are what makes...
Stop and stare.
Who goes there?
Not a pal or a friend.
Maybe a foe or a fiend.
Can you see her?
Or maybe its a him?
Duck! And Dodge!
It hurts like the sting of ice and cold.
It hurts cause I know that's what's like your soul.
It hurts because you forced me to believe the...
Your words hurt.
"You're beautiful."
"You're sweet."
"You're all I need."
I know you mean the words you say.
It just hurts to know the...
The mirror.
The home of my worst enemy.
I see her again today.
Her waist.
Not small enough.
Her face.
Not pretty enough.
Her hair....