Poems from Ellie Kleinatland

Curtain’s drawn, black silk and tassels, Hiding true form from real world hassles. Why show your face when they’ll only scold; They’ll...
It's crazy how small the world isAnd how fate says to us," Like it or leave."And I was gonna at some point.Just leave. It would've been...
It was perfect.He held me close.And I felt like a princess.With my ear on his chest, I heard his heartbeat.Our breathing matched.It was...
I laugh at silly things. Friends cracking jokes, tickling me until I give in, and their snores when they fall asleep on me when we’re on...
I’m thankful for the friends I have, the hugs and all the laughs. I’m thankful for my working legs, that let me run my laps. I’m thankful...
