It's crazy how small the world is
And how fate says to us,
" Like it or leave."
And I was gonna at some point.
Just leave. It would've been pretty easy.
People do it all the time

But I'm glad I didn't.

It's crazy. Hell, it's insane,
How a half an hour under a tree
With Mosquitos eating you alive,
And me cuddling on your lap,
That I was the happiest girl in the world.
Crying about ants and you holding onto me.
I was happy.
Yeah, I've told others, " I'm the happiest girl in the world with you. "
And I was in that moment.
But with you, I'm happy all the time.
You're different.
And I love it.
You're weird in your own special way.
And I like weird. Heck, I love weird.
And you're okay with my weirdness too.

It's crazy.
How a simple party
Unlocks so many feelings in a person.
How we can go from friends to
Something more
With a simple, "Let me carry you."
How you cracked a barrier I had when you said,"Let me carry you."
It crazy. And I really don't have words for it

How odd this is. How a kiss can make me love you. Truly, honestly,
Love you.
Wanna be with you, by your side.
Facing  the world and telling it to shove it.
It's different. This love I have.
But I like it a lot. The feeling I get,
Late at night when I'm talking with you.
And you're making me laugh
But I have to stay quiet.
And we're having super serious conversations, and you didn't run away
From my monsters.
And you didn't complain once. Not once.

And I love the sound of your voice in my ear. Until five in the morning.
It makes me wanna be near you more.
I don't wanna be away from you.
I don't wanna not see you.
This feeling is amazing....

You're amazing...


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