Poems from Dayvon

I'm a freshman in college whole love's to make and read poetry ever since my dad showed me a show called Death poets when i was little. Ever since then whenever i go for a walk or do anything i always go with a note book and pen. I only ever been in one poetry slam in Dayton ohio I made it to the finals. But o did not win i was just happy that i was good enough to make it their.
I don’t see why people that are gay or different from the "normal" or "avarage" person gets treated as if they were an alien or something...
The hardest thing for me to do is explain my tragedies to someone for two reasons. One I always have a hard time opening up to people...
I remember being asked one day that if I could be anyone or anything. What or who would you be, I looked them straight in the face and I...
I was asked is there anyone that I liked and I said yes. There’s this girl who looks so amazing that the word beautiful could only be...
Love is the greatest thing in the world, but it’s also the hardest thing to find. Let’s say that I found it, but what if it’s causing me...