You are Not the Sun
You think the world revolves around you,
as most college professors do.
Hell, I have a lot more things on my mind than your class.
Surviving on Ramen and pasta gets old, you know.
I have to because your lectures cost me thousands. But the world does not revolve around you.
You are not the sun. Neither are you the Earth.
In fact, no celestial bodies revolve around you. You are not the center of any universe.
So do not presume you are of mine.
I do not have time for a 12 page paper in addition to homework and quizzes and exams.
I do not have the money to hire a tutor.
I do not even think that much of what you're saying to me will help me in my future endeavors.
Maybe one day I'll thank you for that one lecture that one time.
Maybe not.
Even then, you're not the sun.
You're not the Earth.
Your class is not my world. It is simply an obstacle filled path within it.
One I will navigate, and be grateful for all that it taught me.
Despite this fact.
You are not my sun.