See map: Google Maps
This poem is for you.
This poem is for the high school history teacher who told me my biggest dream and life goal was illogical and unachievable.
This poem is for the girl who told all my friends I would be a pregnant slut before I was sixteen.
This poem is for the classmate who told me my favorite leather jacket made me look like a dirty whore.
This poem is for the woman who told me I was too young and naive to understand how to love someone.
This poem is for the kid who said all my friends were just my 'friends' because they felt sorry for a dumb loner like me.
This poem is for the boy who told me I was a fugly bitch every day during my favorite class period.
This poem is for you.
This poem is also for the senior who invited me to sit with her at lunch on the first day of my freshman year and showed me what true friendship meant.
This poem is for the high school band director who taught me that being an intelligent, put-together young woman isn't something to be ashamed of.
This poem is for the boy who never fails to show why he loves me when I am feeling absolutely unlovable.
This poem is for the man who told me my aspirations are achievable and continues to help me find opportunities to better myself.
This poem is for the girl who tells me I look beautiful every day in study hall, even if I'm in sweatpants.
This poem is for the woman who pushes me to educate myself as much as I can, because she knows my dreams are logical and achievable.
This poem is for you.
Poetry Slam:
This poem is about:
My community