That Which is Human
I want to make a distinction
Between “human” and Homo sapiens
“Human” is my choice
Homo sapiens is my species
And I want to make a distinction
Between “animal” and “Animalia”
“Animal” is not my choice
“Animalia” is not a choice
And were an ocean exists
Between “human” and “animal”
A thin, grey boundary lies
Between “Homo sapiens”
And the rest of “Animalia”
Because gorillas reason
Bees work
Minnows build homes
Rats parent young
Dogs Compete
Baboons fight battles
Ants take slaves
Bed bugs rape
Snakes don’t rape by the way
Despite their vileness
Every snake you’ve ever seen
Is the product of consensual sex
More than you can say about us
And horses are racist
Hawks assassinate
Owls joy kill
Lions topple dictators
Dolphins have names
Cats play
Bears hug
Doves kiss
Sparrows sing
Wrasses heal
Lots of things have sex
Even some bacteria have a penis
Made of less than one cell
How does that make you feel about your masculinity?
Everything reproduces
Everything eats
Everything kills
Everything senses
Everything changes
And I am convinced
There are only four fundamental differences
Between humans and animals
One is spite
Two is faith
Three is wonder
And four is poetry
We will hurt ourselves in order to hurt others.
Others of the same species,
Of the same family
You don’t see animals doing that.
We can choose to believe in God
Or to believe there is no God
And we don’t just believe
But we act
We strive so hard to gain
What will not reward us in life
For animals there are no gods
Or even voids
And the only rewards are concrete
Humans can ask why about anything
Squirrels are curious
But they don’t have science
Because they don’t have wonder
Some monkeys have language
But they don’t have stories
Because they don’t have wonder
Elephants remember the past
But they don’t have history
Because they don’t have wonder
Only humans have philosophy
Because we have wonder
Poetry is unique to humans
And by poetry, I mean by extension, art
If a picture is paint with poetry
If a song is sound with poetry
If a play is acting with poetry
If a sculpture is material with poetry
And I will not attempt to define poetry
But you know what it is
And you know that it is human.
Now these four things are absent in animals:
Spite, faith, wonder, and poetry
And by four fundamentals
I really mean one:
Humanity is the belief that there is more to life
Than life itself
Some people don’t believe that
You can be both animal and Homo sapiens
So when I was five
And my dad asked me
If I wanted to write a poem
I said yes
Because I am human
And I kept writing
Because I am human
And I wrote to God
Because I am human
And I wrote about nature
Because I am human
And yes, I have hurt myself to hurt others
Because I am human
And I am sorry about that
Because I am Homo sapiens
What is human and what is good
Are sometimes different
Poetry, my friends
Is one place where they are the same
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Wow! This is very interesting. What an interesting thought process. I'm not sure I agree with everything, but your poem shows a deep human mind, which I like to read.
I'm not sure how long you looked for those four differences, but as near as I can tell, those are THE four differences. Good stuff, man, keep it up.
Seriously thought provoking and i really liked this. It flowed out of me as i read, as I'm sure it flowed out of you. Nice job. Your mind is great
What powerful writing! All I can say is that it kept me hooked all the way through, and left me thinking after I finished :)