What I Hate
What I Hate
Do you know what I absolutely hate?
What makes me so sick to my stomach?
And my skin crawl with repulsion?
I’ll tell you what I hate:
I hate that a split second was all it took to split my life into five parts
Part one was Denial
I denied that you were already gone, that’s why I tried to save you
Part two was Anger
How could I have lost you, my baby sister?
How could our cousin have the audacity to ask me why I cared that she was asking if you were in hell or not?
Part three was Bargaining
If only I had asked you to watch TV you would still be with me
Part four is Depression
The cloud bearing down on my emotions, fogging my life, forever sickening
Part five will be Acceptance
But I cannot see how this will be
How could you not think of the impact this action would have?
What you did was permanent
Do you have any idea what that means?
Not permanent like a marker or a tattoo
No, those can fade away and can be removed
But what you did will never fade
It can never be removed
That is what I hate