What I Carry In My Back Pocket
I rearrange my personality and fix my face,
Tuck my curse words and laid back cool college kid demeanor
Back into my pocket,
Leave my opinions at the door.
My lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer ramblings
Aren’t welcome here.
At least in my mind,
They aren't welcome here.
I am not welcome here.
The emerald green unisex briefs
That I wore on the car ride from there to here
Aren’t welcome either.
Silence does not help the victim.
Only the oppressor and the oppression.
Your silence on the topics keeps me silent.
I retract quicker than the push of a pin.
Push pin my thoughts to the back of my mind,
Table them for later,
Save them for a couple days and an hour and a half drive
Until they are welcome again.
I rearrange my personality and fix my face,
Untuck my curse works and reach into my pocket,
Carry my opinions back over the threshold.