It has been months
The vultures take turns feeding on my flesh
I dont know how after all of the harsh weather my remains are fresh
I dont know if i should be vulgar like this
I dont want this message to be a hit and miss
I am hoping this does not make me cry
A bunch of " I love you's" would be sent my way
And they wound be full of nothingness
I told you how people beat the love out of my body
And tried to rub me down until it exuded out of my pores
But instead of your hands, you used your words to cut me
For months I have been knee deep in blood
And I Could not find one person to help me clean it all up
Not one dam to protect me from this flood
You seen me last year, I almost drowned
And after all of my days of frowning,
You told me I was bringing you down
You told me you did not want to hear what I was talking about
You told me things would change,
At the circumstances of someone else
And then you told me you did not trust me
You took the last flower from me
My garden was already so bare
You took my last peice of life and made it something ugly
And then you tried to hug me
As if you were not apart of my last big sin
As if you wont remember all of this when I wither away,
When I die
I sound bitter
But I hope this poem makes you cry