Trust the Divine timing
I Am, divinely where I Am, to BE at. I cannot rush My walk. Rather, I must seize My day, doing all I can, to BE the best version of Me that I can BE, in preparation of My Home coming. A process that can't BE rushed, but a journey traveled by BEing present each step. For, I'm intentionally creating My authentic Self because I miss My People, & I want to go home to Them. But, only after I do My inner-work that presents the genuine Me. In this thought, I find patience, peace & contentment. I only need do, is trust the Divine timing of Almighty Creator & focus on the present, to become whole in My presence. I Am whatever I choose to BE. My possibilities are limitless. I'm astounded in My God given Life to Live it. And, I Live it to My fullest & purest potentiality, by God's Loving grace. I AM WHO I AM.