Suicide Note
Dear parents,
I'm sorry that I'll never grow up
To be the person you wanted me to be.
I'm sorry that when you think of me,
All you'll remember are the signs
You didn't see.
Dear sister,
I'm sorry that I had to leave you behind,
But it was my time to go.
I'm sorry it was so soon;
I didn't get a chance to be a
Good role model.
Dear best friend,
I'm sorry for all the late night phone calls,
Worrying you with my panic attacks.
I'm sorry for being such a burden.
Now you can, finally,
Get your life back.
Dear teachers, classmates, coaches and teammates,
I'm sorry you had the unfortunate luck
Of having me a part of your life.
I'm sorry you had to bear witness
To my decline,
Into misery and strife.
And last, but not least,
Dear me,
I'm so sorry that I let myself think,
The only way to be free of this pain
Was to stop living.