I thank you kindly for your words but ask also that you do not pity me
I have never lived my life as a victim, and I’m not planning on starting now.
You say, “Yeah well, I still think you’re strong..no matter what you say”
And my response is “Thank you” but what I really mean is..
I am strong, thank you..but what do YOU know of about my life that has been something worth that term?
Do not call me strong
for those things that I do that are the same things you also do…everyday of your life. I do those same things, the same way you do and I’d never call you strong for those
I am not a strong person because I can transfer to and from the couch with one hand because I’ve gotten so used to living my life that it isn’t something I think of anymore
I am not “strong” for reaching to a high shelf to take a mug down from the cabinet..
I..am not strong for leaving my house
getting dressed
doing other things besides sitting and moping about my health..
But yes..thank you.
.I am strong
But I am strong for so much more than you will ever know
I am strong..
I am brave
I am capable..
but not for living with a heart condition and getting out of bed in the morning..
you will never know that because now that you know that part of my story (or you think you do)
you will never ask.