A boy at the highschool down the street from mine killed himself.
It's sad, I know.
But I'm not sad, I'm livid.
Because the same kids that bullied him-some of the ones who used to torment me-plastered this hashtag all over social media
Not only is this incredulous because of their behaivour
It's too damn late
It should't take a suicide for for kids to not be horrible to eachother.
Our schools shove these issues aside from the time they begin-I was told at age 12 to forgive a girl who threw stones and names at me because she had been bullied too.
A guidance counselor and a principal told me that some people are just...brigher or prettier or more talented than others...and I was not fortunate enough to be as good as anyone but the other kids they tossed aside.
I can't help but assume that this boy felt the same as I did. Like he would never matter.
And who can blame him?
If no one treats you like you are worth anything, how can you believe that you are?