Soft Subtleties of a Storm
Pain, pain, so easy to feel, so easy to see
A storm, a raging storm, a perfect metaphor for the chaos of the world
Wars, scandalous politics, death, disease, HURT, PAIN, DARK
So easy to see, so easy to feel, so easy to let it consume
Hate, spite, rage, life is a pugnacious bitch
Where is the light? The humanity? The joy?
In the midst of the turmoil where is the jubilant symphony that our hearts thirst to hear?
If there is such obvious desolation wreaking havoc shouldn't there be an exuberance greater than it?
Spinning, hurting, falling, crashing, becoming a murky swamp of tears
A vortex of daggers shreds until nothing is left
So easy, so easy to be consumed
The human mind finds pain easy, why not surrender to despair?
Happiness an easy thing to see when one has it, but it is not an easy thing to be had
We look for the obvious because it is easy to see, we usually accidentally stumble onto something subtle
In the hell fire we are challenged to look for something that has not been consumed to ashes
Can there possibly be anything?
A storm so dark, as dark as our hearts threaten to become
Look at the sky it rages so
But look below
Catch my breath-
A small flash of color, bright, brilliant
There it is a small flower I didn't notice before
Its colors have been intensified by the storm
The colors so sweet, so kind, so vibrant
The dark of the storm has made it shine brighter
Something so simple and unnoticeable has become significant and powerful
Spinning not to fall, but with wander is there more? You must look
The grass covered in raindrops is like hills of emeralds
The dirt as rich and brown as it was when it was first created
Dry fields become wealthy with gold
Close your eyes and breath
Wet earth promsises new life
Damp bark, the smell seeps from the trees, steady and growing
Life has sprung from the turmoil
The dark has revealed the light
Something good has come from the pain
A change of focus, a different view, and now you can see the beauty and delight
It was always there you just had to look
Sometimes it takes the dark for us to see the light