Society vs. Me
When will it be
Acceptable to simply be
Without society expecting so much of me?
Get good grades
Do community service
Be in extra curricular activities
When will society let me just be me?
As the years pass, the expectations change.
You are a woman; you must be an amazing chef every day
You are a man; you must yearn for football Mondays
When will society just let me be me?
Continue to grow but society will not let you show
Woman are judged for doing one thing
When a man goes out and does it and it is okay
When will society just let me be me?
In old age, the shadow of society does not fade
Woman must marry bare children
Where a man must be successful
When will society just let me be?
Young or old
Man or woman
We will never be free from society
If society won’t let me be, then I will defy it and be me
I will be a horrible chef
And love football
And not have children
And be successful without a man
Because all I have to say is screw society!
It is society vs. me