The Silver in my Sleepy Morning
The awkward, quiet, concentrated air fills the morning
As the birds try to sing but only sound like sandpaper to my ringing ears
I sluggishly move the plush covers on top of me to the side
Now my body exposed to the frigid winter air
Swallowed cereal disappears from my bowl
I suppose I look like a dead rat by the way my mother stares at me
With an active motion I suddenly leap towards the door
As I love you echoes through the house
Thinking about seeing all my unique friends jerks my brain awake
The thought of just being able to see my other half fills me with joy
I am now ready to see what the day is willing to throw my way
Waiting for the cramped bus while shivering to the music in my ears
My friends nagging each other just like the day before
As we all argue loudly about who will sit with whom on the bright yellow bus
The sudden piercing squeal of the clenching brakes
All of the impatient students urge and shove each other to climb aboard
I'm again squished between two strangers with a smell that makes my nose curl
Walking off the bus is a breeze compared to getting on
My eyes immediately focus on the man that now craddles my hand
As he walks me to class I can't help but give him a simple kiss on the cheek
The start to my day is now complete