I am a believer in touching the sky,
I am an artist whose tears shone in her eyes.
I am a warrior with her spear in air
with a delicate appearance
and whose skin is fair.
I am a smile that shines through a frown,
I am a helping hand that’s never left down.
I am a child who grew up with a passion for art,
I am a believer in the button to “restart”.
My heart broke free from my family’s abusive chains,
and all their poison has drained from my veins.
I am a survivor of child abuse,
I am a fighter against their psychological noose.
I am a poet who expresses to the world
about struggle and pain,
I am a person who gives moral support
and doesn’t wish to receive their gain.
I am a student pursuing a dream,
a dream to be free like my paintings
between a children’s book’s seams.
I wish to inspire others and show them how to love,
and that it’s more than just believing in the sky above.
I am a woman,
who believes she can create.
It is in her hands and heart to find a way.
One day I will shine through,
I’ll be who I am,
and my life and all I’ve worked for
will come too.
I will be one with the dream
to inspire the dream as well.
One day, one day,
I will stand where i fell.
I am me.
Me I am.
I am me,
A refugee.
This poem is about:
My family
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: