The Real Me, the Real You
Our society is so concerned about image.
Whether it be the way you present yourself, or the actual image you take for instagram.
Now, I’ll be honest, I post selfies...
I use filters...
because unfortunately, there’s times when I don’t feel confident with the way I look
like so many people today.
But who am I when you see me in person?
When I’m the real me?
What do I see?
What do you see?
The real me is flawed in a beautiful way.
The real me is silly, crazy, and loud.
The real me is awkward and quirky.
The real me has talents she doesn't even know about yet.
The real me loves to make friends.
The real me loves to travel and explore.
The real me loves to be lazy and stay in her pajamas too.
The real me is made strong through tough experiences.
The real me loves unconditionally.
The real me is imperfect. But that’s perfect.
Notice how I didn’t say anything about my body?
About the image other people see?
I don’t think I need to tell you about how my real body looks,
because where true beauty is found
is inside.
But what about you? I asked you before,
“What do you see?”
What do you see when you see the real you?
Erase all the filters.
Come out of the shadows.
Don’t ever be ashamed of who you really are.
Because who you really are is unique.
Think about it. There’s only one of you in over 7 billion people.
Who you really are is special.
Designed so intricately, no one else could compare to that.
Who you really are is
Don’t ever change that.