The Real Me.
Who am I? Who could I be?
many have pondered these questions,
hoping the answer would set them free.
Me, myself, I'm a reflection of many things
Things that I hold dearly to me,
Like my faith, my family, friends, but with my own self-esteem
Sacrifice and commitment,
always taught by my parents,
just two mere lessons,
of the many that I inherit.
Easy-going is one way to describe me,
also loyal and driven.
But what truly describes a man's character?
It's what he has given.
I spend time in my sports and studies,
but it's not for my glory,
It's all for Him
I long to give it back to those who adore me
Three words that describe me:
Faith, Family, and Sports,
And three things I'm always wearing,
Nike socks, t-shirts and basketball shorts
I hope to see others for who they truly are,
without the filters, make-up, and covers,
because the truth is more appealing.
This is my summary, my natural truth,
this is who I am, this is the real me.