I feel dead inside
When will the crippling fear end?
Am I a lost cause?
Could I have changed the course?
I could have told them
I let them believe the lie
If only they knew
Fear kept me silent, alone
Who wouldn't feel fear?
Abuse- hurt people hurt people
Guilt is fear's weapon
Guilt held me a prisoner
The fear is still there
But fuck you, Guilt, you won't win.
I'm not the abuser
I was a child, innocent
So take this guilt and shove it
Where the sun won't shine
Because you derserve
To feel the weight of your guilt
Its not my burden
It's the choking fear I hate
I can't even breath
That fear is PTSD
Mocks my happiness
Threatens to destroy it all
Funny how it works
Happy memories can bring
Can bring me back to that place
A glimpse of joy
But fear takes the memory,
Shoves my nose in it
With unrelenting cruelty
Tells me I'm worthless
That fear is PTSD
Mocks my resilience
Tells me I have no future
Kicks me when I'm down
Onother day of solitude
Quarantine day what?
Not lying, gas was $150
It's year 1999
Or is it year 2001?
The second tower
I watched it crumble to dust
I felt that feeling
The external world began
to match the inner
The existential chaos
In my soul, I take a breath
The walls crumble down
My fear brings the fractured past
Into here and now
Controls the frontal cortex
Amygdala bows
That fear is PTSD