The Protector and The Star
I can still hear the cheers and tears of happiness
I can still see the crowds in the streets chanting his name
Waving the flag with pride and seeing a ray of hope
During a time where we had seen so much tragedy
We had put our faith in our new leader, he became our protector
After eight years, I still remember the pride I felt in my country when he was made our leader
When we were at our lowest point, he came and took us out from the darkness
Our protector made no empty promises, just provided answers and change
He put his country first and strived to do what was right
The protector listened to his people and truly cared for his followers
He worked extremely hard with his team to find the best solutions
And the protector brought the county back to its former glory
But now his time is up and it’s time for someone to take his place
We had a choose between a politician and a reality star
But we choose the reality star….
He brought to surface the hate in our country, and encouraged more of it
The star mocks and brings more struggle to those he deems unimportant
He treats people like pawns in his game and doesn’t care who gets hurt
But worse of all the star wants to undo everything the protector has done
The star wants to take away the protector’s solutions, without a replacement
The star made promises he doesn’t intend to keep
The star has laughed at the views of those who believed in him
He wants to create rules that would provoke hate toward others
But still people insists he will be our savior
The feeling of betrayal from my county is huge
I always believed this country was great
That we were a smart and tolerant county
So how did we go from having a protector to a star as our leader?
Why are people filled with so much hatred? Why do they trust this man?
But most of all where is the America I used to love?