Pass me the Mega-phone
The youth is struggling
For a voice
A mega-phone world wide message
"We are here, we exist, looking for some acceptance"
The words dangling empty promises on posters in empty hallways read
"Be different, stand out, we love that you're unique!"
But it's bullshit, because we see them always trying to conform us
Preparing us for mediocracy
Without feeling the need to inform us
That what this world needs are leaders, thinkers, do-ers,
We need kings, queens, innovaters, rulers
Not puppets brainwashed by outdated philosophies
We're on the brink of a revolution
That can't be stopped by any other resolution
Other than a chance to be heard
And why not listen to the future?
The world will be in our hand's soon
We are butterflies breaking out cocoons
We're presidents, CEO's, high acheivers,
Artist, teachers, and above all beleivers
That change starts with us
So everyone listen up
The youth is here with a message
"We are here, we exist, and we damand acceptance"