by Ariel Douglas (14 November 2014)
To you it's an opportunity
To end the life we love
An opportunity to take a chance
To gamble with your life
You say you want to know what it feels like to fly
But that wouldn't be flying
You'd be throwing away a beautiful life
I know your soul is broken
I know your heart is hurting
But I don't think you're hopeless
To you it's just a means to an end
Whether an end to your life
Or your journey to school
The coin flies and falls
Deciding your fate
Thus far you've been "lucky"
It hits heads at least once
But how long can you keep on
This gambling with your life?
You see it as an opportunity
And so do I
But not in the same way
I see it as a chance to pray
For this life we love so dearly
An opportunity to take the chance
To step forward on your behalf
To pray that you would feel what it really means to fly
On wings like eagles
To live a life so beautiful for the One who created you
Who can save your bleeding soul
And comfort your lonely heart
To give you hope where you saw none
That you would never end
But live forever with Him
To run to the One who guides the coin
And causes the dice to land
I see it as an opportunity to pray you'd never say goodbye.