One Word
I've been asked,
"Describe yourself in one word."
But one word cannot describe all that I am.
A sweet, shy girl is all they may see,
But best believe that ain't all of me.
So let this poem give you a taste;
A taste of the true 'I AM' of me.
I am the girl who was afraid to talk,
But eventually engaged in conversation.
I am the girl who was frightened to sing for an audience,
But eventually realized her voice was a gift.
I am the girl who declared that the sky is not the limit,
And claimed that the limit is what one makes it.
I take opportunities that are given to me,
And achieve higher than expected.
I am the girl that proved she can do anything she sets her mind to.
Fresh out of high school with a diploma AND a degree
Is soon to be for me in 2016.
If one comes across my name in the dictionary,
There won't be just one word to define who I am.
Instead, one will find a variety of characteristics and traits
That illustrate the true 'I AM' of me.
So when someone says,
"Describe yourself in one word.",
My response will be,
"One word is just not enough,"