One Job...May Change My Life Scholarship Slam
The Extreme!
Can a job change my entire life?
The question keep floating in my head
My eyes are so amazed by my dreams
Becoming a marriage and family therapist
Seem extreme
But not in my dreams
In my dreams it tells me to fill out scholarships
Graduate high school with a 4.0
But it’s not up to my dreams to take action
It’s up to me and only me
Seems extreme
But my dreams keep telling me to just stay focus
and achieve your goals
My dreams seem so determine
But why can’t I feel that determination
I only feel it sometimes but I think so much
and think about giving up
then I hear a sweet voice saying
Why give up when you’re half way there
It was my grandma talking to me
That’s when I knew I needed to take action
2015 is getting closer and closer
It’s getting more extreme but still possible
So many goals I want to achieve when I receive my diploma
First I want to get accepted to Virginia Tech
That’s even more extreme
But my dream said just to stay focus
And achieve my goals
Second I want to be able to pay for college
My family not the richest so I have to take action
Only thing going to make them goals come true are
Nothing is ever handed to you
I am going to be a marriage and family therapist
My dreams seem so extreme to everyone else
Expect me
I will get my Master’s Degree
It might take years
But all I need to do is stay focus, positive
Hardworking and dedicated
Dreams always become reality
Expect the dreams hide the tough obstacles
Such as negative energy around you, SAT & ACT scores,
and college classes
Obstacles are extreme
But still possible
Because the great support I have
My family, teachers, coaches, friends and counselors
Their amazing
But my professors at Virginia Tech are going to be wonderful
I am going to be a marriage and family therapists
It’s not extreme anymore
My dream job is getting closer and closer
I smell success and I want to taste it.