One Day
One day I'll make it big
One day I'll be remembered
One day I'll stand strong like the cold trees in December
My arms will ache
My legs will shake
and just about all of me will probably break
Without hard work, I am nothing
Life is outside my door, knocking and thumping
It sounds cliché, it sounds played out
But "never giving up" is what life is all about
I'm not the strongest nor the fastest
I'm not the cleverest, I have no madness
I'm not the coolest, I'm not the tallest
Truth be told, I think I'm a bit smallish
Compared to others, I'm not special
But if I keep comparing, I'll be forced to settle
Settling for less doesn't sound tempting
I'm filled with so much potential that the thought sounds emptying
I was put on this world to do more than the average
I don't know that for a fact but hey, I'm still on my passage
I'll make it out
that's a promise
I dedicate it to those who I share things in common
those who know what they want but don't know what they're about
I do it for them, hoping to bring them out
I'm here so I might as well try my best
Sometimes, I'll feel overwhelmed and taken over
feeling hopelessly lost and not to mention depressed
I'll want to give up but I'll want success even more
This is my life and just like everyone else, I'm at war
But we can all succeed if we keep our heads held high
Instead of being down on the floor in hopes to "just get by"
Let's motivate each other because success is great
Let's focus on our goals and destine them to be fate
We're on this world together so let's make the best of what we got
Let's focus on what we can do and stop focusing on what we cannot
Let's help each other prosper
But first, lets help ourselves
We can't do much with our potential trapped ontop of shelves