Not King, nor Queen
The crown held high upon my head
The pain I feel in my heart as I look out
The Kingdom before me filled with dread
I hear a man in the crowd shout
"Where is our Queen?"
I pull the cape around myself to hide from their stare
I no longer wear the dress of women
The pain it caused was near too much to bear
I do not don the attire of men
"Where is our King?"
My life is filled with lies
I have begged for forgiveness, for a reason why
My body is not my own at most times
I wanted to stay female, to stay male, but it was useless to try
"What is this thing?"
I am not male, nor am I female
I do not love my body either way
I knew for a fact I was neither, I knew without fail
I had tried to keep this revelation at bay
I am not a thing
I am not a King
I am not a Queen
Accept me for who I have become
Or accept me not at all
I am the ruler, not King nor Queen, of my Kingdom
Accept me or the Kingdom of my mind shall fall