I drop to my knees
crying tears of the forlorn
knowing this is the legacy I've been left
to put my heart on the line
on a site full of strangers
as a testament to the fact of my fucked up childhood
childishly waiting for someone to say "you poor thing"
for I am truly alone in this
nothing or no one can ever take it away
I was robbed, robbed of knowing what normal is
I only know what I've seen on T.V
watched in others lives, or read about in books
No one can ever know the fear I went through
the guilt of having to hear my sisters getting it too
the self hatred for not being strong enough to stop him
not even drugs or alcohol could take away
the stains he left on me
the smell of filth he left with these stains
every day of my childhood was filled
with cum in my face or on my body
or the slap slap slapping sounds and smells
oh god I could puke right now
the hated smell of vasoline
my fucking mothers blind eyes
I hate her as much as him
i am an empty vessel, all alone in my grief
no one can give back a childhood
not even god
no one can help except me
where was god then huh?
I have to be strong
Well I'm not.
I'm just trying to get through life
without fucking up my own children
I need my meds
that's something to look forword to innit