My Name
Do you ever just want to scream at your teacher?
To make them notice you
So what if I am not an athlete
I got the class high score on the last test
Wheres the congrats in that?
Im sorry, I didn't know that in order to get noticed
I had to be a varsity athlete
or a straight a straight A student
But I am more important than my B+ sitting in the grade book
More important than the number on the back of my non existent sports jersey
I refuse to be just another name in the class of 2014
When you hand me my diploma,
Shouldn’t you know who I am?
but no
I am just another student to most
But its my fault right?
I didn’t volunteer enough in class
and when i did,
My thoughts weren't phenomenal enough
I didn't shoot the winning basket
or stop a slap shot with my stick side hockey glove
Oh no, teachers don’t have favorites
They treat everyone equal
Just some more equal than others.
So teachers, this is for you guys
Screw you
I’m sorry I was not good enough to get your attention
I’m sorry that I did not run my mouth enough to make you notice me
I’m sorry that I was not the perfect student
I’m sorry I was not who you wanted me to be
But I am NOT sorry for being me
You may not notice me now
Or the passion and ability I have
But when you see me on the 5 o’clock news, 5 years from now
Doing great things
You will remember my name.