My Look Back in Time
(poems go here) As I sit back, reminisce,
and wonder why,
why I am who I am,
and my eyes become watery and I start to cry.
A slide show of joyful and gratifying memories appear in my mind
The people I will always cherish are past leaders and figures, so influential and kind.
Those who picked me up during my harsh moments as I fell down;
Others who would place a crown on my head to change my frown.
Those who brought me knowledge and wisdom towards the work I exhibit
Relationship and love was what I gained from them when I was a kid.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and I exchanged opinions about our culture
Michael Phelps taught me how to keep my sense as sharp as a vulture.
Abdullah Ocalan enforced strict discipline and neatness upon me
Jesus Christ’s friendship circle is bigger than the sea.
Malala Yousafzai was there to shed light towards the day
Prohet Muhammad taught me the proper, religious manners I should display.
Aung San Suu Kyi taught me how to stand up behind my voice
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. insisted to always make the right choice .
Shaikh Waleed taught me about the miracles of the Quran
Pope Francis explained the benefits of offering prayers at Dawn.
Malcolm-X taught me how to express myself in a variety of ways
Ishango Bone taught me the awkward but interesting math craze.
Donald Trump was always there to give me advice
John E. Sununu strived and did his utmost best to make my Arabic precise.
Winston Churchill would never give up on me no matter how difficult I could be
Barack Obama showed me a sea full of endless opportunities.
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt put the world in my hands and taught me diverse culture and history
And Bill Gates taught me the benefits of software applications and its’ literacy.
Thank-you for giving me the knowledge I’ve received
It will help me in many ways during my future to achieve.
May the All-Knowing, All-Mighty God bless the above mentioned history/cultural pioneers for being dedicated leaders.
And especially to those who provided their love, support and contributions, It is none other than my memorable