My Beloved
What is life when all I see is strife?
Those eyes that twinkle like nickel.
The sun reflects the radiant smile of my beloved, yet after a mile it fades away.
Leaving me with deep wounds, a heap of sorrow never to heal tomorrow.
Oh! What pain and suffering death brings; creating a vacuum for my tears to fill.
How I longed for you and I to climb the highest point together, not knowing death’s heavy toll was to take you away forever.
How I detest this inevitable foe when it hit near home.
Do not cry or fret my beloved for misery never lasts.
My tears keep running down when I realize you are not near.
Whence forth will my comfort come?
My eyes are set high above the mountains, seeking the consolation of the one above.
All we need is love.
I will surely miss you my beloved in this pain.
Until we meet again will my heart remain a shattered vessel.
May your soul rest in perfect peace my beloved, as I live this evil life.