in the morning
Photos of perfect people #Filter
Photos of perfect bodies #Filter
Photos of perfect models #Filter
I do no think these photos embody
the beauty of a sleepy smile, or the yawn of somebody you love
in the morning
I didn't eat for days because of the media's portayal of beauty #Filter
I was in the hospital with slits on my arms and thighs because
of a perfect unattainable beauty #Filter
I laid in the dark for hours scrolling through photos who told me I'm not a beauty #Filter
I refused to believe my boyfriend when he told me I had beauty #Filter
I do not think these photos embody
the beauty of a sleepy smile, or the yawn of somebody you love
in the morning
I wake up with the sun on my shoulders, I wipe my face clean
I see the young woman in the mirror, and she doesn't bother me anymore
She reaches out and touches my skin, it's soft and warm and glowing
Fingertips feel and touch and caress nothing but beauty #NoFilter