Memory Pill
I envy those with amnesia
Wouldn't you if you need to forget the people who don't need ya?
I wish I could--I'd do anything for a memory pill
Overdose to forget those who didn't love you and never will
If the years of hurt made me stronger or not
I wish they never happened and I wish forgot
All of them--all sixteen
Starting at 7, kids didn't really like me
I was the weird kid
The new one up north from down south
The one who always laughed and opened her mouth
To speak aloud, heads in the clouds, refused to come down
till a lunge full of water caught me off guard
and sank my heart
straight to the bottom
all those fucking years
an innocent child in tears
'cuz some kids didn't like me
didn't like the way I looked
or the way I was
I say was but i really mean is
nothing really changed other than now i'm pissed
I'm mad at myself, the world, my ex, all happy boys and girls,
like what the fuck did that innocent child
the one laughed at and bullied
the one that was me
ever do to ever lose to ever be anything but happy