I demand change.
In these twisted, damaging days.
Where women are afraid to leave for work
for fear of merciless rape
Where people of color
cannot receive a fair wage
Where children are kept in places
where creativity and love are muted
where those brave enough to know themselves,
are shunned for their sexual orientation.
Where men, women, children
- our entire poplation-
are labelled into small, taped boxes.
Everything that matters is overlooked,
while everything that does not
is kept safe with precious locks.
This is the world we live in.
I will NEVER apologize
for recognizing that this
is grossly WRONG.
Every life that is touched,
by your hand,
will feel it.
That person will spread that touch,
just like you.
Be that touch this world needs-
a touch of something good.
I demand change,
and I am beginning with me.