love your body
You look at me and say "I want that'
I look at you and say "I want that"
But why can't we look in the mirror and say "I like that?"
Instead of saying I wouldn't mind a little less
Or I wouldn't mind a little more
Shouldn't we be saying we wouldn't mind staying just as we are?
To be healthy should be the only goal
That is the best way to look and feel beautiful
No more purging, starving, binging, going to extremes to meet the visions of society.
What the media portrtays is not real
What others say is only guided by insecurities and/or jealousy
Find your voice and be who you want to be.
I say no more
You say once more
I'm shutting that door.
My body is mine to be loved and respected
Your body is yours, do not be ashamed
They are gifts to be taken care of not damaged past repair.
Acceptance is key along with a little confidence
So I'll tell you this if you haven't heard it before
You are beautiful just the way you are.